In Django, a dashboard is a user interface that displays data and functionalities for managing an application, while a model is a representation of the data structure in the database, defining the types of information the application will handle.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Django Project

I.                   Install Django:


First, make sure you have Django installed by running this command in your terminal:

pip install django

This will install Django on your computer.


Create a New Django Project:

Now, let's start a new Django project. This is like creating a folder that will hold all the files for your website. Use this command to create the project and name it "school_system":

django-admin startproject school_system

After running this command, you'll see a new folder named school_system. This folder contains the basic setup for your Django project.


Create a New App Inside the Project:

In Django, an "app" is a part of your website that does something specific. Let's create an app called "dashboard." First, move into the school_system folder:

cd school_system

Then, create the app by typing:

python manage.py startapp dashboard

This will create a new folder named dashboard where you will store all the files related to the student information system.


Step 2: Defining the Data (Models)

Create a Student Model:

A "model" in Django describes the type of data you want to store in your database. For example, to store information about students, you'll create a student model.

Open the models.py file in the "dashboard" folder and add this code:

from django.db import models


class Student(models.Model):

    student_id = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True)  # This stores the student's ID

    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)  # This stores the student's first name

    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)  # This stores the student's last name

    date_of_birth = models.DateField()  # This stores the student's date of birth

    email = models.EmailField(unique=True)  # This stores the student's email

    phone_number = models.CharField(max_length=15)  # This stores the student's phone number

    address = models.TextField()  # This stores the student's home address


    def __str__(self):

        return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name} ({self.student_id})"

This code sets up a structure for storing student details like their ID, name, date of birth, email, phone number, and address in the database.

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