Software Requirement

1.     Install Python (Any Python Version)

2.     Install any  Text Editor (Visual Studio Code (Recommended))

3.     Install any browser (Google chrome (Recommended))

Step 1a: Installation of Virtual and Django

          The bellow is the basic step:

-         Create a folder on your desktop name it any name of your choice

-         Search and run Command prompt (CMD) using your start button

-          Write cd desktop to change to desktop directory

-         cd to the folder you created e.g cd nobigdeal, this is the folder you want all your codes to be put

Step 1b: Create Virtual environment inside the folder you create by:

-         python –m venv env (env in the environment name and it can be changed, -m venv is the key word to create virtual environment)

-         Activate & Start Virtual Environment: env/script/active (env is your environment name, script and active is the keyword to activate our environment)

Step 1c: Install django: pip install django

Step 2: Create Project: django-admin startproject my_application

Step 3 Check the folder created initially drag your project folder i.e my_application to your text editor (VS code)

Step 4: Go back to Cmd to create app: python manage.py startapp hello, (this will create an app folder called “hello”)

Step 5 App setting: Go to setting.py in the folder open in your text editor locate and add the name of the app created “hello” after all the default app

Step 7: Run Server: Manage.py runserver (this will generate your Ip address)

Step 8: Type control C to stop server for modification

Step 9: Create Supper User: Python manage.py createsuper user

Step 10: Creating dbase: Python manage.py migrate

i.                   Enter your username and password

ii.                 Bypass password validation

More in view.py


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