Samples of Letters and Job Interview Question and Answers

The best way to gain Employment is through referrer, when person referred you, there will be noting like application letter, Resume and interview but someone like us who has no one to refer us has to take note on how to write some letters and also how to attend to some interview questions.

In this text I have four samples of Letter a job applicant should take note of and also four likely interview questions and answers.






John McDonald

8 Sue Circle

Smithtown, CA 08067




George Gilbert

XYZ Company

87 Delaware Road

Hatfield, CA 08065



Dear Mr. Gilbert,



I am writing to apply for the Developer position advertised in the New York Times. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification and resume.


The opportunity is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical skills, experience and education will make me an ideal candidate for this position. The key strengths that I have, matches exactly for this position include:


I have successfully designed and developed end user applications

I strive for continued excellence for success of the organization

I provide exceptional contributions to satisfy all customers


With a BS degree in Computer Science Programming, I have a good knowledge about the lifecycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.


Kindly review my resume for additional information to know about my experience.


I can be reached anytime via email at or my mobile at 222-222-2222.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.







John McDonald






John Christopher

8 Sue Circle Smithtown,

CA 08067





George Gill

XYZ Company

87 Delaware Road Hatfield,

CA 08065



Sub: Application for Developer with reference to Advertisement in Times Union on 29th Jan, 2018


Dear Sir,


This is in response to your advertisement ‘Required Graduates for Developer Role’ published in Times Union on 29th January, 2018. I am interested in applying for the aforesaid post.


I am John Christopher, graduate from Annex University's batch of year 2014. I have worked as a developer in the XYZ Company. It will be honor for me to work as a part of your organization and utilize my skills, knowledge and experiences in the best interests and growth of your organization.


I am looking forward for a personal meeting with you in this regard. I will always be there to make my best efforts for good will of organization. Kindly reach to me with the contacts mentioned above. Thank you for your time. Looking forward to hear from you.


Yours Faithfully



John Christopher





Mr. James Hadley

1211 Dickinson Drive

Coral Cables

FL 33146


30th January 2018


Mr. John Mathew

General Manager

XYZ Company

87 Washington Street

Smithfield, CA 08055



Ref: Acceptance of Job Offer at XYZ Company


Dear Mr. John Mathew,


I am very pleased to accept the position as a Senior Manager with XYZ Company. The goals you outlined for the position are well-matched to my abilities, and I consider it as my privilege to join your team.


Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank you once again for this offer. I am looking forward to our engagement and to make a positive contribution to the organization. I am very excited to work with the team of XYZ Company.


As discussed my starting salary will be $ 50,000 per annum. Other benefits included in my remuneration would be health insurance, life insurance, and travel allowances will commence after 30 days of employment.


I would join your organization on 12th Feb, 2018. Prior to that if there are any other formalities I need to fulfill, please let me know.


Thank you very much.


Yours faithfully,




Mr. James Hadley




Company Letter head or company address

May 15, 2019



Mickey Millen

Managing Director

ABC Private Ltd

508 Main St

LA 98564





Dear Millen,


I am Dolan Dark, Data Analyst of ABC Private Ltd, writing this letter to request an extension of leave from May 16, 2019 to May 26, 2019 inclusive owing to an accident which caused me acute back problems. The recovery of the leg injury is slow and the doctor suggested one more week of rest.


I have been off from work for the past 20 days and now requesting leave extension 10 more days.


Furthermore I am feeling better and hopefully join the office on May 27, 2019. I would be highly obliged if you would grant me leave for those days. I regret any inconvenience caused.


I am thankful for your valuable time and kind consideration.


Sincerely yours,


Signature here


Dolan Dark





1.     Can you tell me a little about yourself?


This is one of the most commonly asked questions in the beginning of any interview. For this question, you should be prepared to talk about yourself, and your skills that fit for the job you applied. While answering this question, you need to avoid giving your personal information.


You can share some of your personal interests and experiences that are not directly related to work such as a favorite hobby, your education and the things that motivates you.


If it feels intimidate to create your answer, you can rely on a simple things to construct your answer.


Begin with a brief overview of where you are now i.e., your graduation (if you are experienced start from your current job, then graduation), internship or volunteer experience, school subjects and then finish by touching on a goal for the future.


Also, try to relate how the position you're apply for aligns with your future envision.


Remember to be careful about the things you include in your answer. Avoid potentially contentious subjects like political or religious leanings, unless your answers are absolutely positive and are well-received by your interviewer.


Try to avoid talking about family responsibilities or hobbies too much which makes the interviewer to wonder whether you could commit yourself to the job.


Before you choose to respond, write out the answers in advance and read aloud to ensure that it sounds natural. Also, try to keep your answers short and sweet which sound good to interviewers.






2.     What are your key strengths?


This is the most common question in any HR interview. The main aim of this question by interviewer is to understand how much you know about yourself and how confident you are about your strengths.


You can switch-over the answers for these questions, as per the job profiles. Also, gathering the information about the job profile you applied for will help you well in interview.


Whatever the profile you applied for, try to explain your strengths with an experience from the past which is desirable always.


Samples for Strengths:


When it comes to strengths, you need to assess your skills. Make a list of your skills that includes knowledge-based skills and transferable skills that are portable from job profiles like communication skills, problem solving skills, etc.


Also, assess your personal traits that are unique such as flexible, friendly, hard working, expressive, etc.


Some examples of strengths you might include in your answer are enthusiasm, trustworthiness, creativity, patience, respectfulness, determination, versatility, etc


Choose the strengths that match with the job profile and employers expectation. Also, make sure that you can give specific examples to demonstrate your strengths.







3.     What are your key weaknesses?


The main aim of this question by interviewer is to find the three qualities in you, are:


Self-awareness: An ideal candidate won't deny that they have real weaknesses. So, state the weakness that doesn't interfere with the duties of the job profile.


Honesty: An ideal candidate won't lie about their weaknesses. So, choose a real weakness and talk about the steps that you have taken to overcome your weakness.


Self-improvement: You should include details about the steps that you are taking or taken to learn a skill or correct a weakness.


So before answering this question, try to have outlook about what an interviewer wants to hear when they ask for weaknesses.


Also, stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on professional traits.


Examples for Weaknesses:


♦ Being too critical of yourself


♦ Too focused / at work


♦ Being unfamiliar with the latest software


♦ Perfectionism


♦ Not adept at public speaking


♦ Attempting to please everyone


♦ Taking too much responsibility


♦ Not detail-oriented or Too detail-oriented


♦ Not comfortable taking risks

4.     Why should I hire you?

Similar Interview Questions:


Sell me on yourself.


Should we take a chance on you?


What makes you different from others we are interviewing?



This question is put behind you by the interviewer is to make you come up with points that makes you unique and differs from other candidates.


Interviewer is giving you the open opportunity to sell yourself. So, you need to do it in a way which puts you into the hot seat of talking about yourself in an open and direct manner.


Through this, Interviewer wants to know what you consider to be the defining aspects of your background that sets you apart.


Being the open-ended question, you can go in multiple directions to differ yourself from others.


The best approach to answer this question is to focus on your education, work experience, skills, aptitudes and abilities which differentiate you from the competition.


As this is a competitive posturing question, be careful in your words and make no mistake of it.


Whatever the traits you mention in interview, you need to be backed up with examples in STAR technique form to show you are the best person for the position.


Your answer should be directed towards the employer's needs, but not your personal one.


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