How to upload on Git up


Step 1: Download and Install GitHub Desktop or sign up on their website


Step 2: Sign in after the signup is successful


Step 3: Create a New Repository

Locate and Click New Repository.

Fill in the repository name, description, and choose the local path where your project is located.

You can choose to add a README file, .gitignore, and license (optional).

Click "Create Repository."


Step 4: Add Your Project Files

Upload your software folder


Step 5: Commit and Push Your Files

After committing, click the "Publish repository" button in the top right corner.

Ensure the "Keep this code private" checkbox is checked if you want a private repository.

Click "Publish repository" to upload your files to GitHub.


Step 6: Verify Your Upload

Check on GitHub:

Go to your GitHub repository in your web browser, and you should see all your project files uploaded.


Step 7: Make Changes and Push Updates (Optional)

Make Changes:


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