Mr. Jamiu Sheidu Eni-Ire Jamiu I.O.S.U.G Aspirant, Interview questions and his responses.



Mr. Jamiu Sheidu Eni-Ire Jamiu I.O.S.U.G Aspirant, Interview questions and his responses.

Question 1.

You have previously served as both Public Relation Officer and Financial Secretary for this noble organization, during this service to humanity and our people. What impact did you make to the society in relation to the posts you held?


While serving as the Public Relation Officer, since I'm the mouthpiece of the union, I gave room for emancipation of expression from the masses so as to know what the masses are facing and relating it to the executive body for solution. I make sure the society are been updated about the activities of the union.

Serving the union as the financial Secretary, I make sure the union money was used judiciously for the benefits of the union and I was able to give the statement of account on how the union money was been spent genuinely.






You previously contested for IOSUG 2020 presidential election of which you drop out of the race few weeks to the election, did you have an undying reason for contesting for the seat again this year or it is just a perceived lust for power?


I withdrew not to fail the people that will be voting for me. If at all I won then, I won't be able to function as expected by the masses owing to my youth service.

I've publicize my intention before the announcement of the commencement of our service registration that same year. I have no option than to pull out because it will be a disgrace for me if I won and didn't function well as a leader.

I want you to remember a saying that "what worth doing, is worth doing well" since I know I won't be having time for my ambition, the best alternative is to pull out.

I am contesting this year because while I was serving as an executive member of Ife-Olukotun Students’ Union Government, I’ve noticed that there are quite a number of different changes that I would like to bring in to the general functioning of the union. Just around my second term of me being a part of the executives, that’s when I kind of decided that I want to take a bigger position with in the Students’ Union and since then I’ve been thinking about it. The more I think about it the more I come up with better ideas. Then I decided I need to run for presidency because I believe I can bring better changes into the function of the union to assist more of the undergraduate students.


If peradventure you win or lose this coming election, how did you intend to use your skills (both vocational and educational) for the development of the organization and our society at large?


Let me start by correcting your question sir.

We youth must understand that there is nothing call lose within ourselves. It will be learn.

Either I win or I learn because there is always room for trier. "It is not over until it is over" so they say.

As a professional painter and a programmer (software developer) by God grace either I win or learn, I will make sure Ife-Olukotun Students' Union Government has a functional cyber cafe for our students next year. This i believe will be helpful for the students and it's in line with my skill as it will enable me to make myself available to teach the masses focusing mostly on the younger generation who have little or no knowledge about technology.



1. Ife-Olukotun SUG website

2. IOSUG Hall

3. IOSUG Skill acquisition empowerment



Let's assume you won this election as the president of the association, you then require 4 million naira to complete two of your earlier stated agendas. Club 10 and IODU happen to fund your course with the required 4 million. However before the commencement of the project, a member of IOSUG who has a relatively weak financial background fell into a very critical health condition, that requires an operation that will cost a whopping sum of 1.6 million naira to save his life, his family were however able to raise just 400k but still need 1.2 million naira... This matter was brought to your table by your PRO, what will you do as the president of the organization?



As the two depends on the urgency, as the president of IOSUG, since this is a personal issue relating to health, never will I used the money meant for the masses without their consent because I have conscience. It now depends on how urgent the situation is. I will follow either of :



1.     I will rather take him or report the case to the two bodies that sponsored the projects about his health challenge and I believe something will be done about it.

2.     I will have to call for Congress so as to tender the situation before the masses for transparency. I know my people, they will never allow bad thing to befall their members so they will do something about the 1.2 million naira since health is wealth.

Never will I just carry the money and run to solve such problem because the money isn't mine. There must be room for mass agreement before deciding on what, when and how to go about it.



1.     Question

How feasible is it for you to achieve this second project.



Since with God impossible is nothing, I believe with my little connection together with our philanthropist and stakeholders, I can achieve it.

Two years is a whole lot to actualize the project with self determination for a better IOSUG which remain my priority. Even if God says I won't be able to complete it, I believe we shall start it.


2.     Question

In Oke-Oyi Whatsapp group, a member from Ife-Olukotun made a mistake of causing a strife, where he was actually wrong. He apologized to everyone for making such mistakes. Sadly, some persons from other communities still continue downgrading him. You're still our assumed president, what action wills you?




Since he has already apologize, as the president I will overlook such action and send a message to the masses to kindly forgive him for he has realize his mistake and accept his fault.

The biggest part of it is to warn him of such action next time.


Question 4

Do you think you are the best candidate for the position of IOSUG president?



As an innovative comrade, there are quite a number of different things that make me very different than the other candidate that is running for this position. I have more life experience about the union running ranging from institutional level to National level. While serving as the national Public Relation Officer I carried out my responsibilities diligently. Same thing as while serving as the national financial Secretary, I was able to deliver my financial records perfectly.


When an issue comes onto the table from undergraduate students or from the union itself, I am not only going to be looking at my experiences as IOSUG President in the chapter level who have detailed knowledge about the difficulties that the students are facing in the institution, I will be looking at my experiences that I’m bringing from different stakeholders that I was part of their administration for the past number of years and provide solution to such issue.


I feel like one of the best individuals to be put into that capacity is someone who has the knowledge, someone who has the experience, someone who will be able to get the job done because they have an idea of what the system looks like and how to navigate the system itself

This is why I believe that I am the best candidate for this position as president of Ife-Olukotun Students’ Union Government.


Question 5

How do you intend to move the association forward?



By providing a sustainable source of fund for the union and introducing more educational programs.


Dear Comrade Jamiu If required you can get back to us, I want you to strategies, scrutinize, and proffered the possible answer to the below questions as it may be use against you if you denied the necessary action.


Question 6

Many people lost courage as no one to help

1. Apart from Kogi State do we have any union in other higher institutions in Nigeria.

What support can you render for the  students that want to school outside Kogi state.


1. As those that will love to study outside Kogi State, my first support will be to guide such person on how to apply and give advice on career to go for.


Question 7

Information is power. As a programmer and developer.

How can we make Ife-Olukotun a global village.


Making Ife-Olukotun a global village is achievable with some necessary tools to start up with such as a website, a functional communication Apps and the likes.

Question 8

4. What can you do to reduce unemployment among the Ife-Olukotun youth.



It seems I don't get the real meaning of "creating employment opportunity" because if I do then it is feasible my role model.

I have done that and ready to do more. Employment creation doesn't literally mean you doing that for many.

We can start from two or three and continuously another administration can do same.

Let take for instance, using the cafe as a case study, we shall employ minimum of two Ife-Olukotun students who are computer literate to work there and the person shall be receiving payment.

To me employment opportunity in term of students unionism doesn't mean getting people to work with Nigeria government.

Let employ ourselves for ourselves purpose.


Question 9

Digital Skill is very important in Nigeria today.

Do you encourage Digital Skill? In what way can you promote it?



Yes I encourage digital skill. I can do that by getting the students involved in the aspect of learning and using it appropriately.

Question 10

The main problem of every union is found generations.

How can we generate more found, since most of us are still students?



Since a union or organization without fund is half dead, I will try my best to work towards a project that can serve as source of income for the union. And that it my first priority when I assume office.


Question 11

How can we male benefit from your Government like miss Ife-Olukotun.

Women benefits most on yearly program.



Male can benefit in many ways but let me talk about one. We have our football Competition reserved for only the male gender which I will make sure I work towards a prize that worth the work they will be doing by playing football. I believe this helps in uniting the youths most especially the male.


Question 12

How can you promote the growth of the IOSUG STUDENT?


As a visionary leader, if i emerge as president, I will make sure certain groups on campus that have been neglected, have been marginalized, have been completely forgotten and I want to be the individual to bring them back into the fold to say we know you’re there. Let us help you, let us be there for you, and let us give you the support that you need. And by doing that, that will essentially get more individuals involved in the process.

Something that has been on my mind for the longest time is that how we can have one of the highest voter turnout but one of the lowest involvement rates.




Question 13

If elected and you get a job at the bank or any firm that doesn't gives you the chance to perform your duty as expected or planned, what will you do?



Truly I am a hustler but to some extend I am also self employed to some point. If such opportunity come, I won't reject it, I will accept it and first of all try it if I will be able to manage it and if I can't, I will resign from such work because I'm determined to serve this union and nothing more..

"What is worth doing, is worth doing well"


Question 14

How do you intend providing fund for the union.


Permit me comrade to say I've talk about this before.

Nevertheless, let me still talk on that using two instances. Ife-Olukotun SUG website if globally accepted and manage properly sincerely it's enough to sustain the union. I believe we have programmers in the house and they know how much such website can generate for the union. Ranging from advertisement and the likes.

Secondly is the union Cafe. Although for a start it might not be a huge source of income but with time and expansion, it shall be a good source of fund believe we all know we only have few cyber cafe or let me say a computer center in Ife-Olukotun and you will agree with me that the owners are making money from it.


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