The Village Life Style Part1- Gedeon

The life style of a villager might be simple,  rough but always fun and appears to be the best,  some will never want to remember  the memory represent their turbulent time.

Together, let's take a glimpse into the past to remember our past experiences, recalling to mind  many funny activities but realities we get ourselves involve in as a young boy that grew from the village. 75% of rich men grew up in the village, bringing back to memory the lifestyle in the village compare to the growing of your children in the city is very necessary. 

Some of the common activities by a village boy is "little Hunting" the most commonly hunting for every body both boy and girls, lad and adult is the digging of cricket hole for cricket.

Cricket is small invitebrate ant of two gender male and female, it's a seasonal ant usually seen in-between late September  to October.

The Female cricket has a fine back, it doesn't not crow and the hole always deep and covered with a sand, alot of effort of digging most be added before the cricket hole can be find.

The Male cricket it's not as fine as female, it's usually crow and the hole is open as it always comes out during moonlight to crow.

It's is more easier to kill than the female cricket.

Cricket is mostly found by the road side, open field and farmland.

Cricket more easy to hunt for in the early season  and more difficult when is getting late as they are also been hunt by the reptiles animal like snake and scorpions as well etc.

Scorpion do not disturb cricket until the late time of the season, when searching for cricket hole becomes hard and few  occupied by scorpion or snake.

Alot of strategies happens when digging hole for cricket, in the likes of scorpion, snake stings in index finger while digging cricket hole. The venom of the sting may runs gradually up to your shoulder and to the whole body if care is not taking. You can put to stop the pains tieing rag (osuka) on the  upper arm. 

Have you ever partake in this little hunting?


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